Area D COVID Protocols
Last Updated: 11/22/2020
Please be sure that you read the entire section below, which includes information from the UIL State Office.
Following are our Area D Guidelines, to "social distance" as feasibly as possible. Please notify your students and their family members that these are requirements for all Area D Contests.
**We recently received the following from the UIL State Office:
UIL has posted updated UIL COVID-19 Risk Mitigation Guidelines on the UIL website consistent with updates recently posted to TEA Guidance. The updates are in the following sections of the Guidelines:
Following are our Area D Guidelines, to "social distance" as feasibly as possible. Please notify your students and their family members that these are requirements for all Area D Contests.
- Bands should plan to arrive at the stadium no earlier than an hour prior to your assigned warm-up.
- Bands should plan to depart the stadium no more than an hour after your performance time.
- If bands prefer to enter the “visitor” stands, for a short time, you must stay as a group, ONLY in the “visitor" stands, wearing masks, and not mingling with any other bands. It is preferred that bands not return to the stadium after performing.
- Each schedule has specified times when we will “clear the stands”. ALL spectators will be asked to leave the stadium if their band has already competed.
- While in attendance, spectators will be required to wear a mask at all times, and social distance themselves from the next group of spectators.
- Please inform family members NOT to come into the stadium too early, since they may be asked to leave prior to their band’s performance.
- If you send your band back home, prior to the end of the contest:
- The director may stay for the verification period and to draw for marching position in the UIL State contest, if selected.
- Or, the director may pick up their performance packet and leave and wait for our notification of ranking order via email or on our Region 18 website. If you choose this option, and you qualify for State, we will draw your performance position for you.
**We recently received the following from the UIL State Office:
UIL has posted updated UIL COVID-19 Risk Mitigation Guidelines on the UIL website consistent with updates recently posted to TEA Guidance. The updates are in the following sections of the Guidelines:
- Individuals Confirmed or Suspected with COVID-
- If an asymptomatic individual has received a positive COVID-19 test result, they may not return to campus until ten days have passed since a positive test.
- An alternative diagnosis is not required on the medical professional’s note which clears an individual that has symptoms that could be COVID-19 and wants to return to school.
- If an individual has tested positive for COVID-19 but believes the result is a false positive, and wants to return to school before completing the stay at home period, they must either obtain a medical professional’s note clearing them based on an alternative diagnosis, or obtain two PCR acute infection tests at least 24 hours apart that come back negative for COVID-19.
- Close Contact:
- A portion of the definition of “close contact” has been modified from being within 6 feet for a largely uninterrupted contact period to being within 6 feet for a total of approximately 15 minutes throughout the course of a day.