Last Updated: 09/16/2021
Contest Hosts Meeting Notice
This year’s annual Contest Hosts Meeting will take place on Tuesday, January 18, 2022 at the Hays CISD P.A.C. I’m sure that you all have it on your calendar. If you have any conflicts, we need to hear from you ASAP. You must receive clearance and have a proxy, in order to be excused from this meeting, as a portion of your honorarium depends on it.
We will be serving food and eating starting at 6 PM, and will begin the meeting at about 6:30 PM, or as soon as possible. We look forward to seeing everyone there. If you are bringing extra persons with you, please let us know right away, so that we have plenty of food on hand. Generally, we are completely finished by around 8 PM, but will hang around for any last-minute questions that any of you may have.
We will be serving food and eating starting at 6 PM, and will begin the meeting at about 6:30 PM, or as soon as possible. We look forward to seeing everyone there. If you are bringing extra persons with you, please let us know right away, so that we have plenty of food on hand. Generally, we are completely finished by around 8 PM, but will hang around for any last-minute questions that any of you may have.